As a Christian, I realize that God rules no matter who is president...and I do indeed find comfort in that. I do, however, struggle to think that the country that we have known is becoming something that many of us won't recognize in the future...and maybe not the too distant future. This grieves me deeply.
For example I think of a USA that has been strong enough to defend itself against our enemies, a country strong enough yet with a sense of moral duty that has led us to liberate many of the world's oppressed peoples, the most recent example being the people of Iraq. Barack Obama has promised to cut back our military. Specifically, he has promised to limit development of new weapon systems and to impede the weaponization of space. It was Reagan's threat to weaponize space with the Strategic Defense Initiative which forced the USSR to crumble. Why will we shoot ourselves in the foot like this when our enemies like Iran are bent on acquiring nuclear weapons? I fear for a weaker America, a vulnerable America.
I also think about an America which has valued personal ambition and responsibility. This is a nation where nearly everyone can succeed with the expenditure of blood, sweat, and tears. I think of an America where my grandparents worked hard to save and build a meaningful life for themselves and their families. Barack Obama has vowed to penalize hard work. He fully intends to take the wealth earned by the American people and give it to those who have not earned it. This is immoral. It is always moral to share of your own wealth to help those in need. It is always immoral to take other peoples wealth to help those in need. These plans will put a severe strain on the US economy...mark my words. There are always unintended consequences when governments limit freedom and interfere with the free market and the ability of markets to set the prices on goods and services. As I think about all of this, I wonder about the economic future of my family. I wonder about the economic future for my children. Barack Obama will damage the US economy.
I think about a United States where life is valued. After all, our constitution enshrines the right to "LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". But since 1973 I see a nation that is becoming a culture of death. Barack Obama is the epitome of this with his radical views on abortion and infanticide. How long will it be before we lose the value of life at the other end? As soon as we set ourselves up as the arbiters of who may have life and who may not (read the unborn), we are on a very dangerous trajectory toward a "Brave New World" that I believe none of us will recognize as the America of our forefathers. This makes me very sad.
These are just some of my thoughts. By way of encouragement let me leave you with a word from Abraham Kuyper that I find encouraging even as we find ourselves now to be led by a radical,
"In the total expanse of human life there is not a single square inch of which the Christ, who alone is sovereign,does not declare,'That is mine!'"
The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our God and of His Christ!
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