Let's take time today to reflect on the sacrifices of the men and women who have stood between us and war's desolation. We owe a debt of gratitude to these brave heroes, a debt we can never repay. We must also purpose to teach our children about the heritage which is being bequeathed to them. My own son has two great grandfathers who fought in WWII. One stormed the beaches on D-Day and the other was involved in the capture of Iwo Jima. As he grows we will be teaching him about this legacy of heroism so that he too may become a patriot.
We are in a battle today for the heart and soul of America. Radical self-centeredness is the ethic of the day. Millions of Americans are looking to government to provide for them. They expect to live a life of ease with all the comforts of life handed to them on a silver platter. We must recover the ethic of our brave veterans who heard the call and took responsibility to protect their country and their families.
Thank you veterans for your selfless sacrifice for us and for our homes and families.
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