While many Americans may forget, today is the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor...the Day that will live in Infamy. It should be a reminder that no matter how prepared we think we are, our individual lives and the life of our nation can be changed in a couple of hours time. The attack on our soil was unprovoked and flagrant and we should never forget the men and women who died that day defending this great nation.
Even today, we are faced with dangers around the world not the least of which is the dictator in Iran. Will we wait until it is too late and we or one of our allies faces the fury of the atom? Or will we have the fortitude to believe that freedom is worth preserving in the face of tyranny and take the action needed to avoid more Pearl Harbors?
Finally, will America turn to God for help or will we continue to wander around in the wasteland of relativism and hubris? Once again this week we have seen the fruit of our embrace of meaninglessness as the gunman took the lives of 8 of our own in one of our own malls here at Christmas time. Perhaps we may not see another Pearl Harbor, but we may just rot from the inside and implode.
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