Thursday, April 19, 2007

A god complex?

As more information comes out about the shooter in the Virginia Tech massacre, one thing has become clear to me: Mr. Cho thought very HIGHLY of himself.

No doubt we will hear from the media that this man was down-trodden by society. No doubt we will hear that he had low self esteem and that if only he had been affirmed, this would not have happened. This will probably be twisted somehow to be portrayed as being the fault of successful people who have ignored those who have not achieved.

On the contrary, it seems that Mr. Cho thought highly enough of himself to take upon himself the right to choose who would live or die...a choice reserved for God Himself. Only a hyper-arrogant person chooses to take the lives of people he has never met for grievances they never committed. Only extreme hubris causes a man to take upon himself the right to carry out "justice" for the perceived trespasses of others when the God of the Bible says, "Vengeance is mine".

Don't be fooled by the liberal media's take on this man. This killer was taking the serpent's lie "You shall be as gods" to its logical conclusion. This was no man with a damaged ego. He follows in a whole line of others who have had a "god-complex"...Cain, Lamech, Nero, Hitler, Stalin, Harris and Klebold (Columbine shooters), etc.

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