Friday, October 30, 2009

Free to live and love as we see fit?

On Wednesday, 10.28.09, President Obama signed "hate crimes" legislation.

In a part of his remarks, the President made the following statement:
"Time and again we've been reminded of the difficulty of building a nation in which we're all free to live and love as we see fit." See

When you think about it, this is a stunning statement of man-centered, moral relativism. Is this really what the President intended to say? Are there really no constraints on what I may do as long as I see fit to do it? Is morality really subjective? I fear that by making these kinds of statements (and there have been others) that our President is making himself the chief arbiter and final judge of moral standards.

Unfortunately, Mr. Obama, Yahweh has reserved this right for himself exclusively, that is the right to decide which acts are fit and which is not. I would respectfully urge the President to refrain from making these kinds of statements which imply that man the measure of all things. These kinds of statements are dangerous. As the creatures, this is not the prerogative of any man and certainly not the prerogative of any President of the United States.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Coming Storm

I just finished watching an interview with two scholars concerning Israel and their intentions and ability to strike Iran's nuclear facilities unilaterally. It would appear that they will be left with no choice but to act alone against this existential threat especially given the current US administration's distancing themselves from Israel.

It seems possible that such a situation could quickly spin out of control and that the worldwide implications of such an action would be great. At a minimum, we here in the US better be prepared for substantial increases in the price of gasoline if such events unfold. We also better be prepared for asymetrical warfare against US interests worldwide.

Let us call upon our government and our President to stand by Israel during these difficult and uncertain times. It's time for us to put some pressure, even military pressure on Iran to back down on their threats against Israel's existence.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

America's Healthy Future?

For those of you who have not yet downloaded the 1502 page health reform bill that will be making its way to the floor of the Senate, let me inform you that the bill is entitled, "America's Healthy Future Act of 2009".

I find this only moderately amusing. It conjures up images of healthy, well-proportioned people eating Wheaties after coming in from an early morning run. It also brings mental pictures of 3 and 4 year old kids asking their moms for brocolli instead of candy.

Are you serious? America's Healthy Future Act? This bill is a Washington power grab unlike anything we've ever seen. Make no mistake, no US Senator really cares about whether you eat your Wheaties or feed your kids brocolli or whether you are in fact healthy at all. What they care about is finding more ways to regulate your life and your existence. This bill will ultimately result in a depletion of your personal freedom.

As I've written before, it will also result in an increase in demand and a reduction of supply for healthcare services. This will ultimately raise the real cost of healthcare and/or lead to rationing of services. This will not lead to a healthier America, but will in fact cause a deterioration of the health of Americans in general over time. This bill is not what we need. What we need is freedom.

Friday, October 02, 2009

The Stimulus is Stimulating

I guess that's why the unemployment rate has risen to just shy of 10%. Sounds stimulating to me!