In light of the $700 billion bailout, I recently picked up the book by Thomas Sowell entitled, Basic Economics. If you have never studied economics and want an easy to understand analysis of basic economic principles and laws, this is the book for you. After just 3 chapters of reading, I am more convinced than ever that the election of Barak Obama will represent a significant step in the movement of this country toward socialism. With his desire to "share the wealth", Obama embraces the same ideology espoused by Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels in the Communist Manifesto...read it!
Socialism has been tried numerous times and has been proven to be an ineffective means get scarce resources to the people who need them. Just look at socialized medicine in Canada for example. Are you ready to stand in line or even be denied for a routine medical procedure such as a mammogram? If people are given "free healthcare", more people will flood doctors' offices and demand will exceed supply. We all like something for nothing right?
The United States of America has always stood for the principle that financial security is derived through hardwork and effort. The people who make this country work are not the people who sit around and wait for the government to pay for their healthcare, their heating bills, or anything else. They are the people who get up every day and do whatever it takes to provide for themselves and for their families. This is the attitude that has made the US economy the greatest in the world.
Something to think about as you enter the polling place on November 4.